
11 Tips for Nailing an Indie Game Convention

The first time that we have been to a game convention, we were asking other  local indie game devs for tips on what to do and what to avoid. Unfortunately, none of them had any experience with conventions, so we had to take a leap of faith, and discover everything by ourselves.

Remember that in a game convention, there will be hundreds of Indie devs from all around the world, and only few people will win a prize, BUT anyone can be remembered… Here is few rules and tips to nail a Indie Game Convention!

Seb11 Tips for Nailing an Indie Game Convention
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Tips for Improving isometric view

As you may know, we are currently working on ROTE Revolution, which is a 3D game with an Isometric camera and a top down view. In this new version we decided to add 3d elements and sceneries to our puzzle. That idea looked cool, but little did we know that we were running straight into a wall.

Here are some tips for you, in order to avoid having the same issues as we encountered, and also how to improve the look of your game!

SebTips for Improving isometric view
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