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AfterLoop is on Indie Corner

After one year of hard work on AfterLoop, we’re proud to be featured inside the “Indie Corner” in the Google Play Store.

What is Indie Corner?

Indie Corner is a new feature in the Google Play store that promotes more games from smaller studios. The company announced this initiative during its event as part of the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco. The idea behind indie corner is to bring more attention to games from independent studios by maintaining an ever-present vertical inside of Google Play that is always showing cool new games from those companies.

What kind of games are in Indie Corner?

“Number one, it has to be a good game,” Said Ben, as reported by ZDNet. “Google is also looking to highlight titles that utilize different Play features, like leaderboards or achievements. We want them all to be case studies for what you can do on the platform.”

Further, the latest sectional feature will also allow the indie developers to look out for newly hit game in the ‘indie corner’ and thus try to map out their future competition.

This is a great achievement for us, we’re really proud of it!
As Indie developers, we can’t ask you enough for continuing to support us by sharing AfterLoop to your friends and family.

We also have a subreddit setup for AfterLoop ( r/afterloop ), in case you have questions or anything.

Also, don’t forget to download our game:

SebAfterLoop is on Indie Corner