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    About eXiin

    Our games are directed toward all audiences with a big accent on user experience and innovative concepts.

    Exiin SPRL is a small indie game company based in Brussels.

    Open since March 2015, we’ve released our second mobile game Afterloop at the beginning of 2016. This game was designed first for the emerging TV platforms, and then for the mobile market. We released it on 7 different platforms (Apple TV, Android TV, Proximus TV,  iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Windows Store).

    After the release of Afterloop, we decided to come back to our first main interest, the adventure game for PC and Consoles. In June 2016, we started to develop our IP called Ary, the first game is “the secret of seasons”.

    September 1st 2020, we released our game Ary and the secret of seasons.

    More stories to come, stay tune…

    Exiin SPRL – BE 0664.761.091

    r.118 g.41 b.143 – #76298F
